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【網路人氣商品top10】 [106美國直購] 3M PF240W1B 螢幕防窺片 3M Privacy Filter for 24吋 Diagonal Widescreen Monitor (16:10) -好用的必需品哦 物超所值~~值的推薦

【網路人氣商品top10】 [106美國直購] 3M PF240W1B 螢幕防窺片 3M Privacy Filter for 24吋 Diagonal Widescreen Monitor (16:10) -好用的必需品哦 相關的產品介紹在下面


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3M Privacy Filter for 24' Diagonal Widescreen Monitor, Protect your confidential information, Protect your screen from fingerprints and scratches, Easy to attach (16:10) (PF240W1B)Help keep your personal or confidential information private with an effective 'black out' privacy from side views. You see clearly while onlookers see black.
Fits 24' widescreen monitors (16:10). Before choosing your screen, use the measuring instructions video on the left to ensure you choose correctly
Black, frameless, lightweight, thin design, reversible- glossy or glare-reducing matte
Includes two, easy-to-attach, reusable options – Attachment Strips and Slide-Mount Tabs
Helps reduce reflections so you see your screen clearly with pristine image clarity.Landscape orientation. Touch not compatibe.Scratch resistant.Reduces 35 percent of blue light transmission from the display
100% hand inspected for quality assurance
Fits screen sizes of 24' diagonaly measured (Width 20 3/8',Height 12 3/4')From the manufacturer3M Privacy Products
Featuring microlouver technology pioneered, designed and optimized by 3M to block side views so you see your screen clearly while people on either side see a vivid golden shield. Privacy is the best policy
These days, screens are everywhere. And so are visual hackers. With the increase of mobile workers, open workspaces, and the migration of data to the cloud, computer screens can display private information virtually anywhere.An unprotected screen can expose sensitive and private information, trade secrets and business plans. And the reality is, a visual hacker may only need one piece of valuable information to unlock a large-scale data breach.A leader in screen privacy and protection
For more than 30 years, 3M has been advancing optical technology to deliver the gold standard in visual privacy. We remain a trusted global leader today—continuing to improve our technology, features and breadth of product.Display and device technology continues to advance. So do we. Our privacy filters work simply and beautifully on most of today’s monitors to help protect your screens, and help keep the information on them private.Behind the simplicity of our products is a powerful combination of optical science and sheer ingenuity you’ve come to expect from 3M. Rest assured, our products are inspected for quality defects, ensuring that you get authentic 3M Privacy Filters, with science applied to life.Visual hacking: when information is visually cap特惠組合年終募集tured without permission. But we’ve got you covered.Gold standard in privacy
3M Gold Privacy Filters are perfectly suited for most of today’s high-resolution monitors. Maintain optical clarity while projecting a vivid golden shield to side views.How privacy filters work
3M Privacy Filters block side views outside the 60 degree viewing angle, while providing a crisp, clear view to those directly in front of the screen.Microlouver technology
A single microlouver is about as thin as a single strand of hair. There are thousands of microlouvers within one 3M Privacy Filter—all virtually undetectable by the human eye.Attachment options
3M Gold Privacy Filters for Monitors attach with optically clear adhesive strips or easily removable slide mount tabs.網購達人經典商品Find the right privacy filter for your screenStep 1: Determine your screen type最便宜首選
Does your device have a raised bezel or a flat front glass screen?Raised bezel: Screen with a raised frame around the edges.Flat front glass: Screen with edge-to-edge glass without a raised frame.Step 2: Measure your screen
For a raised省錢大作戰上班族省錢大作戰 bezel screen, measure the height (h) and width (w) of the screen's viewable area within the bezel.For a flat front glass screen, measure the height (h) and width (w) of the entire glass display.Step 3: Find your filter
Use the measurements to select the right sized filter for your device from the products listed below.Best fit tip: If you don't see a filter that matches your measurements, select a filter that is larger yet closest to your measurements.
Product description
Color:Black | Style:24' Widescreen (16:10 Aspect Ratio)
3M Privacy Filters keep confidential information private. Only persons directly in front of the monitor can see the image on screen; others on either side of them see a darkened screenProduct information
Color:Black | Style:24' Widescreen (16:10 Aspect Ratio)
Technical DetailsCollapse all
Screen Size 61 centimeters
Wireless Type 54g
Other Technical Details
Brand Name 3M
Series PF240W1B
Item model number PF240W1B
Hardware Platform PC
Item Weight 3.8 ounces
Product Dimensions 20.4 x 12.8 x 0 inches
Item Dimensions L x W x H 20.43 x 12.78 x 0.02 inches
Color Black
ASIN B001D4GGQY活動商品省錢



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【網路人氣商品top10】 [106美國直購] 3M PF240W1B 螢幕防窺片 3M Privacy Filter for 24吋 Diagonal Widescreen Monitor (16:10) -好用的必需品哦好用嗎,【網路人氣商品top10】 [106美國直購] 3M PF240W1B 螢幕防窺片 3M Privacy Filter for 24吋 Diagonal Widescreen Monitor (16:10) -好用的必需品哦評價怎麼樣, 【網路人氣商品top10】 [106美國直購] 3M PF240W1B 螢幕防窺片 3M Privacy Filter for 24吋 Diagonal Widescreen Monitor (16:10) -好用的必需品哦 去哪買?,【網路人氣商品top10】 [106美國直購] 3M PF240W1B 螢幕防窺片 3M Privacy Filter for 24吋 Diagonal Widescreen Monitor (16:10) -好用的必需品哦 比較評比, 【網路人氣商品top10】 [106美國直購] 3M PF240W1B 螢幕防窺片 3M Privacy Filter for 24吋 Diagonal Widescreen Monitor (16:10) -好用的必需品哦 使用評比, 【網路人氣商品top10】 [106美國直購] 3M PF240W1B 螢幕防窺片 3M Privacy Filter for 24吋 Diagonal Widescreen Monitor (16:10) -好用的必需品哦 開箱文, 【網路人氣商品top10】 [106美國直購] 3M PF240W1B 螢幕防窺片 3M Privacy Filter for 24吋 Diagonal Widescreen Monitor (16:10) -好用的必需品哦 推薦, 【網路人氣商品top10】 [106美國直購] 3M PF240W1B 螢幕防窺片 3M Privacy Filter for 24吋 Diagonal Widescreen Monitor (16:10) -好用的必需品哦 評測文, 【網路人氣商品top10】 [106美國直購] 3M PF240W1B 螢幕防窺片 3M Privacy Filter for 24吋 Diagonal Widescreen Monitor (16:10) -好用的必需品哦 CP值, 【網路人氣商品top10】 [106美國直購] 3M PF240W1B 螢幕防窺片 3M Privacy Filter for 24吋 Diagonal Widescreen Monitor (16:10) -好用的必需品哦 評鑑大隊, 【網路人氣商品top10】 [106美國直購] 3M PF240W1B 螢幕防窺片 3M Privacy Filter for 24吋 Diagonal Widescreen Monitor (16:10) -好用的必需品哦 部落客推薦


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陳小弟(中)現身說法,從腦瘤破裂到治癒完成,還重奪劍擊比賽第3名,質子機的治療幫了大忙。(攝影/ 鄭國強)

3年前,2015年的4月20日,14歲陳小弟(Bryce Chen)就像任何一個家庭的小朋友,滿頭的頭髮,生活上無憂無慮,他正準備去參加一年一度的西洋劍國家賽,「我剛剛在祖父母家吃完午餐。突然,我的頭感覺非常痛,在短短幾分鐘內變得越來越嚴重,然後開始吐,接著我漸漸的失去意識。」




陳小弟憑著毅力,經過30次的質子治療照射,終於恢復健康。(攝影/ 鄭國強)




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